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Breathing Technique
(Back to calm)

When stress hits, getting your breathing back to a normal rhythm is
the fastest way of improving the situation.

Yogic Coffee

A great breathing technique to help freshen or wake you up.

Basic Metta Meditation

Metta meditation refocuses your attention to other people such as friends, family,
colleagues, acquaintances, in truth absolutely anyone even those we may not particularly
like. Metta is focused on wishing kindness upon others, wishing they achieve a goal, gain
the thing the have worked towards, random luck in their favour, anything positive.

Body Scan Meditation

Body Scan Meditation is a mindfulness practice that involves bringing focused attention to
different parts of the body, helping to promote relaxation and awareness.

In Motion Meditation

This type of meditation is great when you are doing. It’s a great ‘surface’ meditation that helps lift the mood, and give a bit of a recharge.

STOPP Technique

Learning this one essential skill can help you to take control of your emotions and your life.

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